- ‘Octogenarians’ by Wayne Capooth
- ‘Banned in America’ by Sherman Bell (large bore duck guns, Westley Richards, W.W. Greener, Stephen Grant, J&W Tolley, )
- ‘The redemption of Pitchfork Ben’ by Roger Pinckney (Purdey, A.H. Fox Sterlingworth, Parker, Syracuse Lefever)
- ‘The HSBA Annual Bisley lecture ‘Double Rifles’ pt.1 by Derek Stimpson (Lyell of Aberdeen, Holland & Holland 4 bore, Jacob, Army & Navy, Daniel Fraser BLNE)
- ‘Ithaca Grade 7 ~ Special No. 278449-T’ by James T. Tyson
- ‘A half century of quality No.6 Parkers’ by William W. Headrick
- ‘Places we have been: Highland Hills Ranch’ by Robert Matthews & Terry Allen
- ‘L.C. Smith minutiae ~ pt.1’ by Tom Archer & Terry Allen
- ‘The great-granddaddy Horsley?’ by David J. Baker
- ‘In the presence of the Queen, - giant bulls, rare birds, and Westley Richards’ Finest’ by Ross Seyfried (Model de Luxe, detachable-lock Explora)
- ‘A gun for a gunmaker’ by Roger E. Lake (Peter Nelson)
- ‘The Syracuse Arms Company ~ pt.4’ by Jack Maedel
- ‘Hollenbeck Gun Company’s gunsmith, Fred E. Dewey’ by Argel D. Lewis
- ‘The Loon Lake Club’
Spring 2006 (Print) Vol.17